# M18 ERP Decorators (Frontend Interface)
Version: 1.1 | Release Date: 7/12/2018
# AccountEditorDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to handle field change actions in [Account] editor.
public interface AccountEditorDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public default void afterUpdateAccountSetting(String triggerFieldName) {
# Usage
In [Account] Editor, when fields are updated (like change the value of < Parent A/C > or < Bank Account >), M18 will notify AccountEditorDecorator afterUpdateAccountSetting function.
private void updateAcccountSetting(String triggerFieldName) {
controller.notifyDecorator(AccountEditorDecorator.class, (decorator, params) -> decorator.afterUpdateAccountSetting((String) params[0]), new Object[] { triggerFieldName });
WebUtil.update(getMTName() + "_bankAcc", getMTName() + "_cashAcc", getMTName() + "_adjExAcc", ...);
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean or viewListener implements AccountEditorDecorator , And Override afterUpdateAccountSetting function.
public class AccountListener implements AccountEditorDecorator {
public void afterUpdateAccountSetting(String triggerFieldName) {
// do something, like "WebUtil.setDisabled(true, field);
# Detail Description
# Update Account Fields
public default void afterUpdateAccountSetting(String triggerFieldName) {
It will trigger when update account fields in [Account] Editor.
Name | Type | Description |
triggerFieldName | String | The trigger field name |
# BatchGenDataDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to handle footer table data in [Turbo Document Generation] editor.
public interface BatchGenDataDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public void afterLoadData(SqlTable sourceTable);
# Usage
In [Turbo Document Generation], when data is loaded, M18 will notify BatchGenDataDecorator
public void loadBatchGenData(SqlTable sourceTable, JSONObject extraParam) {
(decorator, params) -> decorator.afterLoadData((SqlTable) params[0]),
new Object[] { sourceTable });
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean or viewListener implements BatchGenDataDecorator
, and override afterLoadData
public class XxxListener implements BatchGenDataDecorator {
public void afterLoadData(SqlTable sourceTable) {
//do something data loaded
# Detail Description
# Loading data to be generated
public default void afterLoadData(SqlTable sourceTable) {
It will be triggered after footer table data loaded in [Turbo Document Generation].
Name | Type | Description |
sourceTable | SqlTable | selected data source |
# ITradingCalcDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to handle common field change actions in trading editors.
public interface ITradingCalcDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public default void before_update_adisc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper) {
public default void after_update_adisc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper) {
# Usage
In Trading App, when common fields are updated, M18 will notify ItradingCalcDecorator before_update_xxx function and after_update_xxx functions.
public void calc_update_adisc() {
controller.notifyDecorator(ITradingCalcDecorator.class, (decorator, params) -> decorator.before_update_adisc((IMacCalculateHelper) params[0]), new Object[] { calcHelper });
controller.notifyDecorator(ITradingCalcDecorator.class, (decorator, params) -> decorator.after_update_adisc((IMacCalculateHelper) params[0]), new Object[] { calcHelper });
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean or viewListener implements ItradingCalcDecorator, And Override before_update_xxx and after_update_xxx functions.
public class TrdgVatTradeMainFooterListener implements ITradingCalcDecorator {
public void before_update_xxx(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper) {
//do something
public void after_update_xxx(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper) {
//do something
# Detail Description
# Quoted Price in Product Footer
public default void before_update_qup(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec, SqlTable srcTable, boolean must_update) {
public default void after_update_qup(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec, SqlTable srcTable, boolean must_update) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Quoted Price > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rec | int | The row index of Footer Table |
srcTable | SqlTable | The Footer Table |
must_update | boolean | If reload_price_one_pro , must_update is true; else must_update is false. |
# Discount Percentage in Product Footer
public default void before_a_mainfooter_disc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec, double inOldValue) {
public default void after_a_mainfooter_disc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec, double inOldValue) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Disc. (%) > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rec | int | The row index of Footer Table |
inOldValue | double | The old value of < Disc. (%) > field |
# Amount in Product Footer
public default void before_a_mainfooter_amt(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex) {
public default void after_a_mainfooter_amt(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Amount > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table |
# Unit Price in Product Footer
public default void before_mainfooter_up(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex, SqlTable srcTable, boolean fromUc) {
public default void after_mainfooter_up(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex, SqlTable srcTable, boolean fromUc) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Unit Price > field in product table in trading transactions. For example it will be triggered with price is loaded from price origin.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table |
srcTable | SqlTable | The Pro Price Origin Table |
fromUc | boolean | Use upField or ucField In srcTable |
# Unit Price in Product Footer (After UP is Loaded)
public default void before_a_mainfooter_up(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec) {
public default void after_a_mainfooter_up(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Unit Price > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rec | int | The row index of Footer Table |
# Descriptions in Product Footer
public default void before_mainfooter_desc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex, SqlTable srcTable) {
public default void after_mainfooter_desc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex, SqlTable srcTable) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Brief Desc >, < Detailed Desc > fields in product footer of trading transactions. For example it is triggered when the descriptions are loaded from description origin.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table |
srcTable | SqlTable | The Pro Desc Origin Table |
# Quantity in Product Footer
public default void before_a_mainfooter_qty(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex) {
public default void after_a_mainfooter_qty(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Quantity > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table |
# Quantity (w/o Lot No.) in Product Footer
public default void before_a_mainfooter_lotnoOutQty(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex) {
public default void after_a_mainfooter_lotnoOutQty(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Quantity (w/o Lot No.) > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table |
# Unit in Product Footer
public default void before_up_byUnit(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex, long oldUnitId) {
public default void after_up_byUnit(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rowIndex, long oldUnitId) {
It will be triggered when update the value of < Unit > field in product table of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table |
oldUnitId | long | The old value of < Unit > field |
# Total Charge/Discount
public default void before_update_adisc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper) {
public default void after_update_adisc(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper) {
It will be triggered when calculate < Total Charge > / < Total Discount > in header of trading transactions.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
# Amount in Add. Charge/Discount
public default void before_a_adisc_amt(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec) {
public default void after_a_adisc_amt(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec) {
It will be triggered when change the value of < Amount > field In [Additional Discount/Charge] table.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rec | int | The row index of [Additional Discount/Charge] table |
# Charge/Discount % in Add. Charge/Discount
public default void before_a_adisc_discrate(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec) {
public default void after_a_adisc_discrate(IMacCalculateHelper calcHelper, int rec) {
It will be triggered when change the value of < Charge/Discount% > field In [Additional Discount/Charge] table.
Name | Type | Description |
calcHelper | IMacCalculateHelper | MacCalculateHelper |
rec | int | The row index of [Additional Discount/Charge] table |
# ITransactionDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to handle additional charge / discount field changes during source transaction loading in trading edtiors.
public interface ITransactionDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public void beforeAssignDisc(SqlTable lookupTable);
public void afterAssignDisc();
# Usage
In Trading App, when loading Additional Discount / Charge data of source transaction, it will notify ITransactionDecorator beforeAssignDisc function and afterAssignDisc function.
private void assign_so_disc(SqlTable sodisc) {
if (sodisc != null && sodisc.size() > 0) {
(decorator, params) -> decorator.beforeAssignDisc((SqlTable) params[0]), new Object[] { sodisc });
(decorator, params) -> decorator.afterAssignDisc(), null);
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean or viewListener implements ITransactionDecorator, and override beforeAssignDisc function and afterAssignDisc function .
public class TrdgVatTradeMainFooterListener extends TransactionDecorator
implements ModuleViewListener, ITradingCalcDecorator {
public void beforeAssignDisc(SqlTable lookupTable) {
if (VatUtil.isVatPerItem(getBeId())) {
if (lookupTable != null && lookupTable.size() > 0) {
// handler vat fields (like taxAmt preTaxAmt)
public void afterAssignDisc() {
if (VatUtil.isVatEnabled(getBeId())) {
# Detail Description
# Additional Charge/Discount Loading
public void beforeAssignDisc(SqlTable lookupTable);
public void afterAssignDisc();
It will be triggered when handler Additional Discount / Charge info of source transaction is loaded.
Name | Type | Description |
lookupTable | SqlTable | The Additional Discount / Charge info of source transaction |
# PrqGenDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to handle the extension of [MRP Generation].
public interface PrqGenDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public default List<String> getMoreFields() {
return null;
public default List<FormatCond> getMoreConds() {
return null;
# Usage
In [MRP Generation], the decorator PrqGenDecorator
will be notified when loading data, assigning data, or generating transactions.
public void refreshData() {
// Fields
List<String> fieldList = Arrays.asList("tranType", "tranId", "pproId", "proId", "bDesc",
"lot", "qty", "unitId", "dDate");
DecorateVisitCallback<PrqGenDecorator> fieldsCallBack = new
DecorateVisitCallback<PrqGenDecorator>() {
public boolean visited(PrqGenDecorator decorator, Object returnObject) {
if (returnObject != null) {
List<String> addFields = (List<String>) returnObject;
if (addFields != null) {
for (String field : addFields) {
if (!fieldList.contains(field)) {
return true;
controller.visitDecorator(PrqGenDecorator.class, (decorator, params) ->
decorator.getMoreFields(), new Object[] {}, fieldsCallBack);
In 3PD App, you can set your viewListener
implements PrqGenDecorator
, and override the functions.
public class XxxListener implements PrqGenDecorator {
public List<String> getMoreFields() {
// Get more fields when loading data
# Detail Description
# Loading Data
public List<String> getMoreFields() {
// Define the list of extra fields
public List<FormatCond> getMoreConds() {
// Define the extra conditions to loading data
public void beforeAssignedData(long beId, SqlTable searchTable) {
// Do something before system assigning data
public void assignedShowField(SqlTable showTable, int rec, SqlTable searchTable, int index)
// Do something after system assigned data to one row
Functions above will be triggered when loading data, in function refreshData()
of PrqGenBean.java.
Name | Type | Description |
beId | long | Current Business Entity |
searchTable | SqlTable | Data loaded |
rec | int | The row index of showTable |
showTable | SqlTable | The footer table in [MRP Generation] |
index | int | The row index of searchTable |
# Generating Transactions
public default CheckMsg validTableData(SqlTable showTable) {
// Add checking before generating transactions
public default List<String> getRequiredFields(String moduleName) {
// Define extra compulsory fields
public default void beforeSeparateRecored(SqlTable showTable) {
// Do something before separating records
Functions above will be triggered when generating transactions, in function batchGenData(ViewActionEvent vae)
of PrqGenBean.java.
Name | Type | Description |
showTable | SqlTable | The footer table in [MRP Generation] |
moduleName | Sting | The name of module |
# UpdatePriceListDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to handle field changes in [Price List (Matrix)] editor.
public interface UpdatePriceListDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public default void afterLoadProductList(SqlTable priceList) {
public default void beforeSavePriceList(SqlEntity entity, int entityFooterRowIndex, SqlTable priceList, int priceListRowIndex) {
public default void afterUplBEChanged(long beId) {
# Usage
In [Price List (Matrix)] Editor, when some fields are changed, M18 will notify UpdatePriceListDecorator afterUplBEChanged function.
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent vce) {
String compId = vce.getComponent().getId();
if (compId.equals("beList")) {
controller.notifyDecorator(UpdatePriceListDecorator.class, (decorator, params) -> decorator.afterUplBEChanged((long) params[0]), new Object[] { beId });
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean or viewListener implements UpdatePriceListDecorator, And Override afterUplBEChanged or other provided functions.
public class TrdgVatUpdatePriceListListener implements ViewListener, UpdatePriceListDecorator {
public void afterUplBEChanged(long beId) {
// handler vat fields
controller.setVariable("vatEnabled", VatUtil.isVatEnabled(beId));
controller.setVariable("vatPerItemEnabled", VatUtil.isVatPerItem(beId));
controller.setVariable("beId", beId);
# Detail Description
# Load Product's Price List
public default void afterLoadProductList(SqlTable priceList) {
It will be triggered when load product's price list in [Price List (Matrix)] Editor.
Name | Type | Description |
priceList | SqlTable | The product price list |
# Save Price List
public default void beforeSavePriceList(SqlEntity entity, int entityFooterRowIndex, SqlTable priceList, int priceListRowIndex) {
It will be trigger when save price list in [Price List (Matrix)] Editor.
Name | Type | Description |
entity | SqlEntity | The entity |
entityFooterRowIndex | int | The row index of Footer Table in entity |
priceList | SqlTable | The product price list |
priceListRowIndex | int | The row index of price list |
# BE Switch
public default void afterUplBEChanged(long beId) {
It will be trigger when change the value of < BE > in [Price List (Matrix)] Editor.
Name | Type | Description |
beId | long | The BE id |
# EcnpDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to extend the front end operation of [Engineering Change Note (Work Process)].
public interface EcnpDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public default void afterClearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
# Usage
In [Engineering Change Note (Work Process)], after clearing the data of the footer table, M18 will notify EcnpDecorator
public void clearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
(decorator, params) -> decorator.afterClearMainFooterInfo((int) params[0]),
new Object[] { rowIndex });
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean
or viewListener
implements EcnpDecorator
, And Override afterClearMainFooterInfoor
public class XxxListener implements EcnpDecorator {
public void afterClearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
# Detail Description
# Clear the footer table field data
public void afterClearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
It will be trigger after clear [Engineering Change Note (Work Process)] footer table data.
Name | Type | Description |
rowIndex | int | The row index of footer table |
# EcnmDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to extend the front end operation of [Engineering Change Note (Material)].
public interface EcnmDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public default void afterClearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
# Usage
In [Engineering Change Note (Material)], after clearing the data of the footer table, M18 will notify EcnmDecorator
public void clearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
(decorator, params) -> decorator.afterClearMainFooterInfo((int) params[0]),
new Object[] { rowIndex });
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean
or viewListener
implements EcnmDecorator
, And Override afterClearMainFooterInfoor
public class XxxListener implements EcnmDecorator {
public void afterClearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
# Detail Description
# Clear the footer table field data
public void afterClearMainFooterInfo(int rowIndex) {
It will be trigger after clear [Engineering Change Note (Material)] footer table data.
Name | Type | Description |
rowIndex | int | The row index of footer table |
# ERPViewDecorator
# Interface Definition
This decorator is used to customize the change of new document data when the document "Save As" new document.
public interface ERPViewDecorator extends ViewDecorator {
public void handlerSaveAsAction();
# Usage
When saving a document as a new document, M18 will notify ERPViewDecorator
public void beforeSave(ModuleAction action) {
if (saveas) {
(decorator, params) -> decorator.handlerSaveAsAction(), new Object[] {});
In 3PD App, you can set your backingBean
or viewListener
implements ERPViewDecorator
, And Override handlerSaveAsAction
public class XxxListener implements ERPViewDecorator {
public void handlerSaveAsAction() {
# Detail Description
# Process data for the "Save As" new document.
public void handlerSaveAsAction() {
It will be trigger before "Save As" new document.