# Warehouse Management Solution (ERP)
Version: 1.0 | Release Date: 25/8/2020
# Web Services
# Get WMS barcode format
GET WMS barcode format.
HTTP Request
GET http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/wms/dataCapture/getBarcodeFormat
Name | Type | Description |
authorization | String (Header) | Required. Access Token obtained via OAuth |
client_id | String (Header) | Required. Client ID in M18 [OAuth Applications] |
beId | int (Query) | Business entity ID, if beId is passed, only return specified BE's barcode format |
id | string (Query) | List of WMS barcode format ID, split by ",", if id is not passed, return all barcode format |
Sample request:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String url = "http://" + server + "/jsf/rfws/erp/wms/dataCapture/getBarcodeFormat"
+"?id=" + URLEncoder.encode("1,2,3", "UTF-8");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("client_id", clientID)
.addHeader("authorization", "Bearer " + token)
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
Result (in JSON Array)
Name | Type | Description |
id | int | WMS barcode format ID |
code | string | WMS barcode format Code |
desc | string | Description of WMS barcode format |
beId | int | beId of WMS barcode format |
tarModule | string | Target Data Module |
sourceType | string | Product Data Source |
groupScanned | boolean | Group scan records of the same barcode into one row |
action | string | Actions after barcode scanning, should be "saveRecord" or "saveDraft" |
includedFields | string | Fields to be included in barcode format |
displayFields | string | Fields to be displayed upon barcode scanning |
tarModuleMess | string | Mess of Target Data Module |
sourceTypeMess | string | Mess of Product Data Source |
Structure of Fields (in JSON Array:"includedFields", "displayFields")
Name | Type | Description |
field | string | use in Upload WMS barcode |
barcodeField | string | use in barcode |
order | int | order of fields |
inputField | boolean | true if field is an input field |
autoCopy | boolean | true if field's value can be auto copied |
mess | string | Mess of field |
pattern | string | Pattern of field |
Structure of mess (in JSON Object:"tarModuleMess", "sourceTypeMess", "includedFields.mess", "displayFields.mess")
Name | Type | Description |
code | string | messcode |
en | string | label of messcode in English |
zh-CN | string | label of messcode in Simplified Chinese |
zh-TW | string | label of messcode in Traditional Chinese |
Structure of pattern (in JSON Object:"includedFields.pattern", "displayFields.pattern")
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | Name of field |
fieldType | string | Type of field |
displayAs | string | Display type of field, values:lookup , textfield , checkbox , textarea , combobox |
lookupType | string | Lookup type of field |
fieldWidth | string | Display width of field |
precision | string | Precision, if field's value is a number |
scale | string | Scale, if field's value is a number |
options | string | Options, a JSON array, use when displayAs = combobox |
Sample response:
"desc":"GRN for Vendor V001",
"beDesc":"Default Company",
"tarModuleMess":{"code":"ce01_trdg.GRN","en":"Goods Receipt Note","zh-CN":"进货单","zh-TW":"進貨單"},
"sourceTypeMess":{"code":"ce01_trdg.purchaseOrder","en":"Purchase Order","zh-CN":"采购订单","zh-TW":"採購合約"},
{"field":"mainpo.id","barcodeField":"sourceId","order":20,"inputField":true,"autoCopy":false,"mess":{"code":"ce01_trdg.purchaseOrder","en":"Purchase Order","zh-CN":"采购订单","zh-TW":"採購合約"},"pattern":{"fieldName":"mainpo.id","fieldLabel":"Purchase Order","fieldRequired":true,"fieldRight":0,"fieldType":"int_unsigned","lookupType":"po","lookupFormatId":0,"fieldWidth":0,"precision":0,"scale":0,"max":0,"min":0,"displayAs":"lookup","options":[]}},
{"field":"lotcost.lotno","barcodeField":"lotno","order":71,"inputField":false,"autoCopy":false,"mess":{"code":"ce01_trdg.lotNo","en":"Lot No.","zh-CN":"批号","zh-TW":"批號"},"pattern":{"fieldName":"lotcost.lotno","fieldLabel":"Lot No.","fieldRequired":false,"fieldRight":0,"fieldType":"varchar","lookupType":"lotno","lookupFormatId":0,"fieldWidth":30,"precision":0,"scale":0,"max":0,"min":0,"displayAs":"textfield","options":[]}}
{"field":"mainpo.id","barcodeField":"","order":2,"inputField":false,"autoCopy":false,"mess":{"code":"ce01_trdg.purchaseOrder","en":"Purchase Order","zh-CN":"采购订单","zh-TW":"採購合約"},"pattern":{"fieldName":"mainpo.id","fieldLabel":"Purchase Order","fieldRequired":true,"fieldRight":0,"fieldType":"int_unsigned","lookupType":"po","lookupFormatId":0,"fieldWidth":0,"precision":0,"scale":0,"max":0,"min":0,"displayAs":"lookup","options":[]}},
{"field":"lotcost.lotno","barcodeField":"","order":7,"inputField":false,"autoCopy":false,"mess":{"code":"ce01_trdg.lotNo","en":"Lot No.","zh-CN":"批号","zh-TW":"批號"},"pattern":{"fieldName":"lotcost.lotno","fieldLabel":"Lot No.","fieldRequired":false,"fieldRight":0,"fieldType":"varchar","lookupType":"lotno","lookupFormatId":0,"fieldWidth":30,"precision":0,"scale":0,"max":0,"min":0,"displayAs":"textfield","options":[]}}
# Upload WMS barcode
Upload WMS barcode
HTTP Request
PUT http://[server]/jsf/rfws/erp/wms/dataCapture/uploadBarcode
Name | Type | Description |
authorization | String (Header) | Required. Access Token obtained via OAuth |
client_id | String (Header) | Required. Client ID in M18 [OAuth Applications] |
barcodeData | string (Body) | Required. A JSON Array contains barcode data |
Structure of barcodeData (in JSON Array)
Name | Type | Description |
formatId | int | WMS barcode format ID |
locId | int | Location ID |
tDate | date | Date of generated records |
draft | boolean | If draft = true, data will save as draft |
data | string | A JSON Array, Details of scanned barcode |
Structure of data (in JSON Array:"data")
Name | Type | Description |
__id | int | Mark the row of data, use in response |
scannedCount | int | Scanned Count of this barcode |
[includeFields] | includeFields is defined in WMS barcode format |
Sample request:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
MediaType jsonMT = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(jsonMT, "[barcodeData]");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("authorization", "Bearer MjZhZGNjMDctODVhZS00MmE0LWI3ZmEtNzRhMTQwZGZiNTY0")
.addHeader("client_id", "C-SGF2aWQncyBhcHBsaWNhdGlvbjIwMTctMDItMTAxNjc=")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
Sample of barcodeData
"formatId": 1,
"locId": 1,
"tDate": "2020-07-23",
"draft": true,
"data": [
"__id": 1,
"mainpo.id": "PO20070002",
"pot.proId": "TEST-001",
"pot.lot": "A",
"qty": 1,
"unitId": "CTN",
"scannedCount": 1
Result (in JSON Array)
Name | Type | Description |
formatId | int | WMS barcode format ID |
details | string | A JSON Array, Details of upload result |
Structure of details (in JSON Array:"details")
Name | Type | Description |
formatId | int | WMS barcode format ID |
dataIds | string | A JSON Array, related to "__id" of data in barcodeData |
pass | boolean | Indicate if record save success |
draft | boolean | Indicate if record save as draft |
id | int | record's ID |
code | string | record's Code |
msgs | string | Error Messages |
Sample of Result
"formatId": 1,
"details": [
"formatId": 1,
"dataIds": [1],
"pass": true,
"draft": false,
"id": 10,
"code": "GRN20070014",
"msgs": []
# Development Config
# Make custom module as a Target Data Module in WMS barcode format
In module.xml, add a param
(key = "isInventoryModule" and value = "true") to your module
Sample: Make
as a Target Data Module
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<md xmlns="http://www.multiable.com/module" app="ce01_trdgex">
<module name="mi" mess="ce01_trdgex.stockIn" extend="false" mainTable="mainmi" recType="" useBe ="true" useAccess="true" useAttach="true" useApv="true" useChangenote="true" tableOrders="mit;mitlot">
<table name="mainmi" key="id" c="true" r="true" d="true" u="true" initRow="1" hpk="" fKey="" order=""/>
<table name="remmi" key="id" c="true" r="true" d="true" u="true" initRow="1" hpk="hId" fKey="" order=""/>
<table name="mit" key="id" c="true" r="true" d="true" u="true" initRow="0" hpk="hId" fKey="proId;lot" order="" cpnType="table" columnOrders="sourceType;sourceId;proId;unitId"/>
<table name="mitlot" key="id" c="true" r="true" d="true" u="true" initRow="0" hpk="hId" fKey="" order="" hfName="mit" hfKey="footerKey" sfKey="footerKey" cpnType="table" columnOrders="proId;unitId"/>
<checker class="com.multiable.erp.trdgex.ejb.checker.StockInChecker"/>
<param key="mainFooter" value="mit"/>
<param key="mainFooterUcFormula" value="up"/>
<param key="mainLotno" value="mitlot"/>
<param key="allowNegaQty" value="true"/>
<param key="tradeType" value="stock"/>
<param key="useDoctype" value="doctypeId"/>
<param key="isInventoryModule" value="true"/>
<param key="remTable" value="remmi"/>
<param key="invConfEditQtyLogic" value="false"/>
<importExtend name="priceDescOriginDto" extendSrc="/view/erp/trdgex/share/trdgexPriceDescOriginImport.xhtml" dtoClass ="com.multiable.erp.trdgex.share.importation.TrdgexPriceDescOriginImportDto"/>
<importExtend name="reloadRateDto" extendSrc="/view/erp/core/share/reloadRateImport.xhtml" dtoClass ="com.multiable.erp.core.share.importation.ReloadRateImportDto"/>
# Make custom module as a Product Data Source in WMS barcode format
In bsflow.xml, add an item
of your module in the target module
Sample: Make
as a Product Data Source ofoldso
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bsflow xmlns="http://www.multiable.com/erp/bsflow">
<flow module="oldso" skipModule="pro">
<item sourceType="pro" moduleLookupType="" keyLookupType="approvedSalesPro" />
<item sourceType="oldqu" moduleLookupType="multiqu" loadDataHelper="com.multiable.erp.trdg.interfaces.TradeOutstrandingHelper"
keyLookupType="qufooter" loadDisc="true" loadRemarks="true" />
<item sourceType="po" moduleLookupType="multipo" keyLookupType="pofooter" loadDataHelper="com.multiable.erp.trdg.interfaces.TradeOutstrandingHelper"
skipCheckLoad="true" loadOutstanding="true" useOrigin="true" />