# M18 Web Services

M18 provides a rich variety of RESTful web services to third party developers, so that integration and data synchronization with other systems can be done seamlessly. This reference provides all relevant information related to M18 web service calls.

# Authentication

Explain how to authenticate M18 web service calls, by using OAuth 2.0 Protocol.

# Common JSON Objects

Describe common JSON objects used in request/response of web services.

# M18 Core Web Services

Describe the input/output of M18 core web services.

# Business Process Management (BPM)

Describe the input/output of Business Process Management related web services.

# Enduser-driven Business Intelligence (EBI)

Describe the input/output of M18 EBI(Enduser-driven Business Intelligence) web services.

# Schedule Management (SCM)

Describe the input/output of Schedule Management related web services.

# Document Management System (DMS)

Describe the input/output of Document Management System related web services.

# Retail and Third-Party Logistics (ERP)

Describe the input/output of ERP Retail and Third-Party Logistics web services.

# Trading and Finance (ERP)

Describe the input/output of ERP Basic/Trading/Finance web services.

Module Description URL
Core Get Business Rules of a Module jsf/rfws/erp/bsrule/getBsRules/{module}/{beId}
Check Business Rules for a Transaction jsf/rfws/erp/bsrule/chkBsRules/{module}/{id}
Check a Specific Business Rule for a Transaction jsf/rfws/erp/bsrule/chkBsRules/{module}/{id}/{key}
Get Blacklist Status of a Customer/Vendor jsf/rfws/erp/query/blackstatus/{searchName}
Get Exchange Rate of a Currency jsf/rfws/erp/query/getRate
Get Child Companies of a Group Customer/Vendor jsf/rfws/erp/query/getGroupCli
Update Frozen Period Date jsf/rfws/erp/frozen/saveDate/{beId}/{frozenTypeId}/{frozenDate}
Get Latest Frozen Period of an Editor jsf/rfws/erp/frozen/getLatestFrozenPeriod/{beId}/{menuCode}
Search Lookup Data jsf/rfws/erp/search/searchData/{beId}/{searchName}
Search Table Data by Code jsf/rfws/erp/search/code/{tableName}/{code}
Search Table Data By ID jsf/rfws/erp/search/id/{tableName}/{id}
Search Table Data by SQL Conditions jsf/rfws/erp/search/cond/{tableName}
Close/Unclose Transactions jsf/rfws/erp/closedSetting/updateData
Update Module Header UDF Fields jsf/rfws/erp/dataSync/updateHeaderUdfFields/[menuCode]
Trading Upload Product's Photo jsf/rfws/erp/pro/proPhoto/{id}
Get Product Packing Information jsf/rfws/erp/trdg/price/propack
Get Inventory Level per Product jsf/rfws/erp/trdg/stock/viewLocLvl/{beId}/{proId}
Get Available Quantities of Multiple Products jsf/rfws/erp/trdg/stock/jviewLvl/{asAt}
Get Customer/Vendor Part No. by Product Code jsf/rfws/erp/trdg/refCode/getRefCode
Get Product Code By Customer/Vendor Part No. jsf/rfws/erp/trdg/refCode/getProCode
Get Product Price jsf/rfws/erp/trdg/price/multiPro
Finance Get Outstanding AP Invoices jsf/rfws/erp/ac/ap/getOsInvoice/{beId}/{uId}/{AIId}/{payRegId}/{multiPayId}
Get Outstanding AR Invoices jsf/rfws/erp/ac/ar/getOsInvoice/{beId}/{uId}/{AIId}/{recregId}/{multiRecId}
Void Transaction jsf/rfws/erp/ac/voidunvoid/voidTran
Unvoid Transaction jsf/rfws/erp/ac/voidunvoid/voidTran

# Warehouse Management Solution (ERP)

Describe the input/output of ERP Warehouse Management Solution web services.

# Attendance Management (HCM)

Describe the input/output of Attendance Management related web services.

# Hong Kong Labour Law Compliance (HCM)

Describe the input/output of Hong Kong Labour Law Compliance related web services.

# Leave Management (HCM)

Describe the input/output of Leave Management related web services.

# Organization And Personnel Management (HCM)

Describe the input/output of Organization And Personnel Management related web services.

# Payroll Management (HCM)

Describe the input/output of Payroll Management related web services.

# PRC Labour Law Compliance (HCM)

Describe the input/output of PRC Labour Law Compliance related web services.